Body Consciousness & Movement Workshop

The 1-day workshop is an immersive exploration of what it means to be fully human. We’ll explore how do develop mindful presence; we’ll use motion and play to create an attuned emotional awareness; we’ll develop greater connection to ourselves and how we move—all of which will deepen our engagement with life and our natural creativity. This training functions as a kind of operator's manual for living well, teaching you how to move more effectively through life with less effort and better organization by working with gravity rather than against it. Cultivating a clear, sensory experience through slow, gentle movement, you will develop deeper levels of body awareness—the first step in changing one’s restrictive patterns and behaviors.

Through observing and correcting habitual movement patterns and compensations that are inefficient and require excessive force, this work will establish new neural pathways that refine your kinesthetic awareness, balance, and responsiveness. You’ll discover key movement concepts such as leverage and counterbalance, and learn how they can be applied to create dynamic, graceful movement. By systematically developing your skeletal organization, you will feel more balanced and confident to deal with the ever-changing world around you. Come discover how being more centered and grounded in our bodies results in not only vast physiological benefits, but also illuminates how deeply we can participate in the wellspring of a life fully lived. 

Location: Phinney Neighborhood Association



Joe Kelly is an Advanced Certified Structural Medicine Specialist and a Board Certified Structural Integrator. He runs a thriving private practice in Seattle, WA and teaches at the Institute of Structural Medicine.

Joe also teaches movement seminars blending the worlds of movement, physical training and structural integration. He has studied extensively with top level practitioners in the fields of Structural Integration, Feldenkrais, and other movement modalities. In his private practice, Joe works with clients taking them through the Structural Medicine Series, the 7 Day Body, and treating complex pathologies. In his free time he is an advanced backcountry skiing, mountaineer, explorer, movement coach and educator.

Learn more here:



 Previous Courses

Leveraging Power and Grace in Movement- April 1st, 2017 9am-5pm

Does good posture require muscle contraction? Learn this and more at the workshop. You will be empowered to effectively organize, move, and develop your body into an efficient movement vessel. Oftentimes, we are so focused on our individual sports or fitness that we forgot there is an art to how we move. I’m combining many years of personal movement experience, exploration, Structural Integration, and learning into a 1-day seminar that will inspire you jump into a whole new level of body awareness. This will be a super fun and active day full of learning!

  • Learn the top fascial training principles and how to integrate them into your daily movement routine.

  • Become more aware of habitual movement patterns/holding patterns and learn how to let them go when they no longer serve you.

  • Discover how to organize your body to save energy and feel more relaxed.

  • Distinguish between sitting with ease and holding yourself upright.

  • Learn about Fascial Tensegrity and how to use movement to enhance your fascial remodeling.

  • Maximize your movement potential through counterbalance and leverage.

I can’t wait to see you there. It will be limited to the first 20 people that register so act fast before the spots are gone!
Location: Crown Hill Center- 9250 14th Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117